Why Are So Many People Adopting Senior Dogs?

The word is out! While cute little puppies are hard to resist, more and more people are leaving shelters with senior dogs in tow—lovable, loyal, life-wise companions. Here’s why:

All the love without all the ….
Senior dogs already know how to cuddle—they also already know where NOT to go to the bathroom and what NOT to chew on.

Walks over workouts…
Senior dogs don’t have nearly as much energy to burn as puppies or even adult dogs, but they will help you get your steps in each day.

Built-in experience…
Unlike puppies, many senior dogs already know basic commands and basic courtesies of living in a house with people.

Plays well with all others…
Life experience and lower energy levels make older dogs great companions for all ages. They have the patience to take on toddlers and the temperament to soothe seniors.

Unconditional love and unending gratitude…
It’s easy to spoil a puppy, but senior dogs don’t take their second chances for granted. They know they’ve been saved and are forever grateful.

If you have a senior dog in your home, remember that older dogs love dinner time as much as any hungry puppy, but they need fewer calories and less fat to match their lower metabolism and reduced activity levels. Be sure to look for a senior dog food that is formulated to meet their needs. As dogs get older they may lose some of their sense of smell, so the enticing aroma of wet dog food for senior dogs may also be a good choice to help them empty their bowl.


from https://ift.tt/2PPcNn6

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